Version fran�aise
Electrical power grid studies

Energy system studies

Simulation engineering

Grid connection study

You can contact the CAPSIM's specialist of this activity:
   - By email
   - By phone: +33 (0)4 42 63 61 18
In order to guarantee the stability of the electrical grid, grid managers (ERDF, RTE…) impose the respect of the rules to energy production companies who wish to be connected to the grid.

This means that the given energy production company has to build his installation with the necessary constructive capacities and performances required by the grid codes.

The demonstrations are to be realized by means of calculation, simulation, and then by validation during regulatory tests for the site commissioning.

The energy production company has to design an energy production installation which has to at least respect the grid code requirements of the grid to which it is going to be connected.

Ideally, an analysis has to be done in order to share the constraints of the grid code over all of the electrical equipment constituting the energy production system so as to obtain an optimal installation in technical-economic terms.

During the development phase of the prototypes (marine tidal current power generator, marine energy, wind turbine…), the consideration of the grid code constraints on the conception level allows to define installations which are naturally coherent and eventually capable providing grid services that can be valued.

Service principle:
Capsim realizes the grid connection study based on the 3 following strengths:
  • Experience of most grid codes and expectations of the grid managers in an international level which allows a big fluidity in the study acceptations and contractual tests by grid managers,
  • Expertise on modeling of generators necessary for the realization of studies in the conception level as well as regarding the grid connection analysis,
  • Mastering of a range of tools necessary for the realization of the required studies, calculations and simulations (Digsilent, Etap, Cyme, PSS-E, Eurostag, EMTP, Pscad, EDSA…).

We are hence able to offer you key-in-hand services regarding grid connection studies of power stations:
  • Identification of applicable grid code constraints, as well as the studies to be performed in order to respect the grid manager’s requirements,
  • Realization of the required studies, calculation and simulations,
  • Recommendations regarding the conception and control system if the installation in case of non-respect of a requirement,
  • Writing of a study report, according to the format expected by the grid manager.

Capsim performed grid connection studies for all types of projects (wind turbine, photovoltaic power, marine tidal current power, thermal power and hydraulic power generators), in France and abroad (Chad, Niger, Togo, Algeria, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Mali, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Gabon, Sao Tomé, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria…) and for installed powers varying from hundreds of kW to several hundreds of MW.

Corresponding achievement(s):

CAPSIM - 11 Boulevard de la Grande Thumine - Parc d'Ariane, Batiment E1 - 13090 Aix-en-Provence - France
Tel : +33 (0)4 42 63 61 18
